Indectable virus in USB

published by Yildun Cloud Backup 2014-08-11
topic: Viruses

How many times we make use of a usb device either at work or at home to transfer data from other devices to the computer or even use it to store information?

Digital security researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell have presented a study about an error USB protocol that allows the PC to take over where pendrive connect completely unnoticed. The virus goes unnoticed because their files are housed within the chip itself and the device is undetectable and impossible to erase. It is also capable of all kinds of evil actions, from installing a virus to alter files, collect data, recorded texts are introduced, spy messages etc.

The concern is that when inserting it into the computer, it is exposed to all kinds of infections and becomes source of infection for other USB to connect to your computer. That is, they can infect other USB devices, spreading the virus.

Therefore, the only solution that experts recommend is to use only USB devices on your own computer and your own devices only.


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